Learn to Knit & Crochet With Nancy Queen
Christmas Stocking Mini Bootcamp
Knit the gift everyone wants - handmade Christmas Stockings. Even if you're a beginner, you'll learn all the skills you need to create heirloom stockings your family will enjoy for years to come.
Bonus! Everything you learn in this course will provide all the techniques required for knitting socks!
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30-Day Knitting Growth Course
Leap out of the beginner knitting stage with 3+ years of knitting knowledge condensed into just 30 days.
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Shawl Bootcamp
In 5 weeks, you'll learn to knit five unique shawls. You'll receive a new project each week along with the tips and techniques you'll need to accomplish that project.
When you complete the course, you'll have the skills to confidently knit these shawls using any weight yarn.
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Cowl Bootcamp
This course will teach you how to create 5 unique cowl patterns, as well as fill in the gaps patterns DON'T tell you. Tips such as how to knit in the round, choose the right yarn, using stitch markers, expert finishing techniques, and much more.